Veronica Tan
Co-Founder of Success Resources


Veronica Tan is "the Heart" of Success Resources, the World's biggest seminar organiser renowned for its mission to change lives globally through education by bringing the best speakers to more than 10 million attendees, in more than 30 countries and 70 cities.
Every speaker in the personal , business and wealth creation development industry would like to be noticed by her and have the opportunity to share on the worldwide stages of Success Resources who has host World-class speakers like Tony Robbins, Robert and Kim Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Les Brown. President Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, Robin Sharma, Randi Zuckerberg and many more.
Her leadership and extensive deal making experience were invaluable to the expansion of Success
Resources to new markets throughout Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Australia, North America and South America.
Veronica brings with her many years of experience in entrepreneurship, sales, marketing, and business leadership. She maintains a strong and ever expanding global network of
relationships with international speakers, partners, and clients, most of whom have seen exponential growth through exposure on the Success Resources platform and her connection.
Veronica was recently awarded the 2017 Global Women Inspiration Woman award in London. The award recognises the contributions of women towards the advancement of personal growth and championing the development of business women globally.

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